help please!
Published on July 7, 2006 By joeyinpa92 In Object Desktop

Hi All*,

I've been having quite a lot of problems with my PC lately; mostly having to do with my Anti-Virus/Spyware scanner (Freedom Security Suite Premiere).
In my Spyware list, it's constantly trying to quarantine or delete "wisepost.exe", which, so far, I have kept it from being deleted, setting it to "Prompt me" for action to take.
Has anyone else had this result? And Please, tell me what I CAN do to stop it? Is it a necessary file?

Any and ALL Help IS Appreciated,
JoeyLee* (joeyinpa)

on Jul 07, 2006
When I googled wisepost.exe, it brought up sites for the *cough*cracked*cough* version of WindowBlinds 5. I don't know if this "wisepost.exe" is specificlly for the cracked version of WB5, or if it is included in the purchused version also. The feeling I get is that it is either something used to register WB5, or something used to patch the cracked version. One of those two would be my guess .

And seeing as your AV/SW program picks it up, and the normal WB5 doesn't contain spyware, I think it may be a bad file . But if you have the legit copy of WB5, then just wait for some else to come around and confirm would it may be .

Good luck, and hope you get your computer issues sorted out .

EDIT: Oh, and I have never had this problem, myself . You could always back the file up in a .zip folder, and then delete the original. If your system starts acting funny, then restore the file. If not, I think you can safely say it wasn't needed .
on Jul 07, 2006
Thanks Keikonium,
I apprecciate your answering my post. But, I am an Object Desktop Member, I have been for, I think, 2 years plus, or so. So, with any luck, someone else just might have an idea. By the way, it seems to be in every one of the OD programs I have. I did try to delete the file once. But, either after restarting Windows, or after checking for updates on Stardock Central, the file returns again.

Thanks Again!

on Aug 06, 2006
Hi All*,
It's been a while since I posted this. This "problem" of having "wise-post.exe" downloaded with every program update, or download from Object Desktop is really becoming a pain in the a**. I DID purchase Object Desktop, and I DO have my "email receipt".

So, can SOMEONE/ANYONE, Please give me some advice on 'fixing' this?
on Aug 06, 2006
Call it a 'hunch' ...but I'm pretty sure your A/V or antispyware program is returning a false positive.

I know I've seen that "wise-post.exe" come up on occasion when watching downloads/installations running ...and I watch everything that makes it's way onto this computer.

I have no problems at all with my computer, and I run ALL my security apps at least twice a week.

I'm sure if yrag see's this post, he'll be able to confirm/deny whether I'm correct in my assumption.

Either way, I hope you get it sorted to your liking.
on Aug 06, 2006

Wisepost.exe is a part of the installs of various programs.  Wise being the installer used and post meaning post the SDC install.  Some things are easier to do in a wise installer, so SDC copies the files into place, and the wise installer sets up various bits.

Because this file changes on each new update and is a critical part of the installers, it will be downloaded again.  If your AV application thinks it is spyware then your AV application appears to be defective. 

A number of 'anti spyware' applications take the route of blocking anything which might possibly be a bad thing.  Taken to the extreme, this would mean they should block every application from ever running on your PC because it might be bad.  There are also a few which just block things or delete registry keys without even telling the user which is a very bad thing.

Please always allow wisepost to do its job, as if you were to block it then you may start to experience other problems such as WindowBlinds refusing to run.

In short, it is not spyware, it is part of the component installers, do not delete it, speak to your AV provider to inform them of their bug.

on Aug 06, 2006
How's that for customer support!  
on Aug 08, 2006
Thank You!; to both of You*! I truly appreciate the responses....

Thanks Again!