flashing taskbar on reboot forces me to restore....
Published on March 14, 2006 By joeyinpa92 In IconPackager
I think I have tried everything mentioned, however, every time I try to apply a full set of icons; if I apply the filetypes or custom files, although they will change and appear to "work", the next time I reboot the PC, I end up with an inoperable system; the taskbar flashes, all desktop icons flash. Then, given no other choice, it's a heck of a frustrating challenge to "catch" the taskbar-start button- more programs-system restore, all before everything flashes yet again. I now had to add the System Restore App to the Start Panel, for which it makes it easier, at least, TO start up the Sys restore app.

While the system/desktop is "flashing", it is possible to get a program (like System Restore) to open and stay open, while the desktop and taskbar continue to flash around the program.

ANY advice will be deeply appreciated!
Many Thanks!

on Mar 14, 2006

What IconPackager version? Trial or paid?

What's your system info?

Has it ever worked without error?


on May 14, 2006

I had the same exact issue. My windows explorer.exe would continuously crash & restart. It Crashed my computer to where I eventually couldn't log into windows. It would log me in and immediately log me out(This part probably a result of my trying to fix the flashing desktop.) I bought a new computer and the same thing happened after installing IP v3.10.[b] .002 (I only had the computer for 2 days). After backtracking, I uninstalled the Object Desktop and everything was fine. I suspect it was Icon Packager. It worked after install but crashes system on System boot. As of now I only have SD Central and WB5 installed and checking from there. My stats are -

Motion Computing LE1600 Tablet PC, XP 2005 tablet edition SP2

Object Desktop full subscription -

WB5 5.01.006  -GT3 theme

IP 3.10.[b] .002 - PIX Office theme & OHMYNitroXtremelite.ipicons also

Control Center 1.95[b].002