If only I'd have done it from the begining!
Published on October 9, 2005 By joeyinpa92 In WindowBlinds
Hi All*,
Like myself, I can see it's the same with MANY of you trying to upgrade to WB5, if only someone had suggested THIS first!, I'd have saved a lot of headaches. In no way am I and expert on software or Stardock. Although the steps I have below are probably posted somewhere else, if so, I hadn't found it and I was pulling my hair out trying to figure out what to do.

Then I tried this:
As long as you do have Object Desktop, and have gotten the "upgrade to WB5" pop-up, try this BEFORE trying to upgrade;
1. UNINSTALL your previous version of WB first
1b. If there are any program files left over after uninstalling, delete them
1c. If, like me, you'd like to keep all of your themes, simply rename the file/folder to something like "my themes"
2. After all of the prior version is uninstalled; reboot
3. Before running Stardock Central again, make sure there is NO WindowBlinds folder
4. Once everything is gone, now run Stardock Central again.
5. Then, go to the Object Desktop program's list (don't use the pop-up)
6. The newest Beta version should be on the top of the list, click on it, and Install
7. Reboot BEFORE applying any theme
After rebooting, go ahead and run wbconfig, and apply whatever theme you chose.
All should work well! Go ahead and move whatever themes you'd saved, back to the "new" WindowBlind folder.

Hope this helps!

Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 31, 2005
Mrs Poddytat: Try clicking on the little iddy-bitty "refresh" button in "My Skins".
on Nov 01, 2005
Hi Mrs. Poddytat*,
One of the main differences in the WB5 application (appearance) is the whole "menu" for installing/uninstalling/apply this theme/edit etc.., if you look closely at the main window of WB5, right in the middle of the theme that's "featured", is the menu. Underneath the 'featured or installed' theme, are two buttons; one's a 'tree view' button; the other is 'refresh'. I've found that you have to use the 'refresh' button quite often at times.

Also, on a second note, maybe a somewhat 'bug' or not, but when applying a new theme, if you happen to still end up with the old-style task bar, you may need to hit 'apply' a second time, and it will changer as per the skin being applied. At least it's worked for me, numerous times.

Good Luck!
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